Cyprus Science University About
Cyprus Science University was established in 2013. Following the establishment, the university experienced rapid growth in a short term. By 2014 the university started to accept students, and in a very short time the university got recognition by TRNC, Turkey and overseas, and became a preferred higher education institution.
The campus is located within the boundaries of Ozanköy on the road of Bellapais, which is known as the most exceptional neighborhood in Kyrenia the most beautiful city of TRNC.
The superior qualifications of the administrative and academic staff, the excellence of classrooms, developed laboratories and social venues, in addition the central location with everything around makes the university a preferred choice by prospective students.
Every effort has been made by Cyprus Science University which is located in the heart of the city center is being made to ensure that it has a distinguishing quality that makes a difference in terms of educational quality.
The vast majority of the academicians who work in CSU faculties and departments have made their academic studies at universities in Turkey and abroad, besides they were former academicians or researchers at Turkey’s best-known universities. On the other hand, great importance is attached to the practical training as well as the theoretical education at Cyprus Science University, and the laboratories established for each department needs are open to the benefit of the students 24/7.
The framework is designed to meet the educational needs of the Nursing Laboratories, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Laboratories, First Aid and Emergency Assistance Laboratories, Mechatronics Laboratories, Electrical and Electronics Laboratories, Physics and Chemistry Laboratories and these laboratories are developed in parallel with the changing needs of the training fields.
All of the classrooms and halls are equipped with auxiliary education technology such as smart boards and video projectors, ergonomic features in terms of lighting and seating layout.
Cyprus Science University has begun the construction work of the new campus and the student dormitory around it, in Dikmen which is located between Kyrenia and Nicosia, meanwhile the construction is progressing rapidly.
Cyprus Science University Accreditations
Cyprus Science University Faculties Majors
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Aviation Management EN
Banking and Finance EN
Business Administration EN
International Relations EN
Psychology TR
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Guidance and Psychological Counselling TR
Turkish Language Teaching TR
Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering EN
Electrical and Electronic Engineering EN
Mechatronics Engineering EN
Software Engineering EN
Faculty of Fine and Design
Architecture EN
Faculty of Health Sciences
Nursing TR EN
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation TR
Faculty of Law
Law TR
Faculty of Tourism
Gastronomy TR
Tourism and Hotel Management EN
Istanbul Medipol University Institutes Two Years Diploma
Vocational School of Applied Sciences
Logistics TR
Vocational School of Aviation
Civil Aviation Cabin Services TR
Vocational School of Culinary Arts
Cooking TR
Vocational School of Health Services
First Aid and Emergency TR
Opticianry TR
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation TR
Vocational School of Justice
Justice TR
Cyprus Science University Master Majors
Institute of Graduate
Business Administration (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Guidance and Psychological Counselling (With a thesis) TR
University site on maps

Cyprus Science University Main Campus
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