Eastern Mediterranean University About
Eastern Mediterranean University was founded in 1979.
Having been providing higher education in TRNC since 1979 with all programs accredited by the Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK), Eastern Mediterranean University is the only state university in TRNC.
With its highly developed infrastructure, prominent academic staff members, 20,000 students from 106 and 1,100 academics from 35 different countries, quality programs in English, the opportunity of learning a second foreign language, student exchange programs, rich sports, social and cultural activity opportunities, international accreditations, an international teaching context, and a diploma recognised throughout the world, EMU prepares its students for their international careers by educating them in becoming creative and competitive individuals with entrepreneurial skills.
EMU has been offering quality education through 108 undergraduate and school programs and 96 postgraduate and doctoral degree programs provided by 12 faculties, 5 schools and Foreign Languages and English Preparatory School.
Eastern Mediterranean University Accreditations
Eastern Mediterranean University Faculties Majors
Faculty of Architecture
Architecture EN
Interior Architecture TR EN
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Insurance and Actuarial Sciences EN
Mathematics and Computer Science EN
Molecular Biology and Genetics EN
Psychology TR EN
Translation and Interpreting (Turkish-English) EN
Faculty of Business and Economics
Business Administration TR EN
Economics EN
International Relations EN
Political Science EN
Public Administration EN
Faculty of Communication and Media Studies
Digital Game Design EN
Public Relations and Advertisement TR EN
Radio and Television and Cinema TR EN
Visual Communication Design EN
Faculty of Dentistry
Dentistry EN
Faculty of Education
English Language Teaching EN
Guidance and Psychological Counselling TR EN
Faculty of Engineering
Biomedical Engineering EN
Civil Engineering TR EN
Computer Engineering TR EN
Electrical and Electronic Engineering EN
Industrial Engineering EN
Information Systems Engineering EN
Management Engineering EN
Mechanical Engineering EN
Mechatronics Engineering EN
Software Engineering EN
Faculty of Health Sciences
Nursing TR EN
Nutrition and Dietetics TR EN
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation TR EN
Faculty of Medicine
Medicine EN
Faculty of Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Medicine EN
Pharmacy EN
School of Business and Finance
Banking and Finance EN
Banking and Insurance EN
Human Resources Management EN
International Finance EN
International Trade and Business TR EN
Management Information Systems EN
Marketing EN
School of Computing and Technology
Information Technology EN
School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Tourism and Hotel Management EN
Eastern Mediterranean University Institutes Two Years Diploma
School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Tourism and Hotel Management TR
Vocational School of Health Services
Anesthesia TR
Dialysis TR
Elderly Care TR
First Aid and Emergency TR
Medical Imaging Techniques TR
Oral and Dental Health TR
Physiotherapy TR
Radiotherapy TR
Surgery Services TR
Vocational School of Justice
Justice TR
Eastern Mediterranean University Master Majors
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Banking and Finance (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Banking and Finance (Without a thesis) TR
Banking and Finance (Distance Education) (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Business Administration (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR EN
Diplomacy and Conflict Management (With a thesis) EN
Economics (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Energy Economics and Finance (With a thesis) EN
Gender Studies (With a thesis) EN
Human Resources Management (Without a thesis) EN
International Relations (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Marketing (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Faculty of Architecture
Architecture (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Cultural Heritage Studies (With a thesis) EN
Interior Architecture (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Urban Design (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Chemistry (With a thesis) EN
Management Information Systems (Without a thesis) EN
Mathematics (With a thesis) EN
Mathematics and Computer Science (With a thesis) EN
Physics (With a thesis) EN
Psychology (With a thesis) EN
Faculty of Communication and Media Studies
Digital Media and Film (Without a thesis) EN
Media and Communication Systems (With a thesis) TR EN
Visual Communication Design (Without a thesis) EN
Faculty of Education
English Language Teaching (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Information and Communication Technologies in Education (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering (With a thesis) EN
Computer Engineering (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (With a thesis) EN
Engineering Management (Without a thesis) EN
Industrial Engineering (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Mechanical Engineering (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Faculty of Health Sciences
Nursing (With a thesis) TR
Nutrition and Dietetics (With a thesis) TR
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (With a thesis) TR
Faculty of Tourism
Hotel Management (Distance Education) (Without a thesis) EN
Tourism Management (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
School of Computing and Technology
Information Technology (Without a thesis) EN
Eastern Mediterranean University Phd
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Business Administration EN
Economics EN
Finance EN
International Relations EN
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Chemistry EN
Mathematics EN
Mathematics and Computer Science EN
Physics EN
Faculty of Communication and Media Studies
Media and Communication Systems EN
Faculty of Education
English Language Teaching EN
Faculty of Engineering
Architecture EN
Civil Engineering EN
Computer Engineering EN
Electrical and Electronic Engineering EN
Industrial Engineering EN
Mechanical Engineering EN
Faculty of Tourism
Tourism Management EN
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EMU Main Campus
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