Istanbul Kültür University About
Istanbul Kültür University was founded in 1997 , located near Ataturk International Airport, Istanbul Kultur University is also 5 minutes away from Metro Bus line, which can take you wherever you want in Istanbul easily and quickly.
Istanbul Kültür University currently has around 16000 students studying various majors.
The university has more than 80 International cooperation agreements.
Istanbul Kültür University is open to international academic relations, it has plenty of Student Exchange agreements, cooperating and exchanging students with Erasmus Bartens 70 University; one of the European Nations Universities. Moreover, it has several academic agreements with different universities in the United States, Canada, Australia, Latin America, and Asia.
Istanbul Kültür University has 20 BA majors and 13 Graduate Studies programs (MA and Ph.D.).
The campus has a Library of about 560 square meters, this library offers services including about 27000 books, 32000 electronic books, and 40000 electronic magazines
The campus has other social services and events such as restaurants and different Cafeterias.
Additionally, the university has many private lecturing halls and rooms; each can accommodate about 1400 students.
Istanbul Kültür University Accreditations
Istanbul Kültür University Dormitory
Istanbu Kültür University provides its students with proper accommodation in the university’s dormitory, putting their comfortability and safety.
The dormitory rooms in the university have different options; there are rooms can fit two, three, or four students together.
Istanbul Kültür University Institutes Two Years Diploma
Faculty of Architecture
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design EN
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design TR
Faculty of Art and Design
Arts Management TR
Cartoon and Animation TR
Communication Arts TR
Communication Design TR
Radio and Television and Cinema TR
Faculty of Education
Classroom Teaching TR
English Language Teaching EN
Guidance and Psychological Counselling TR
Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering EN
Civil Engineering TR
Computer Engineering EN
Electrical and Electronic Engineering EN
Industrial Engineering EN
Faculty of Health Sciences
Nutrition and Dietetics TR
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation TR
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Sciences and Arts
English Language and Literature EN
Molecular Biology and Genetics TR
Psychology TR
Turkish Language and Literature TR
Istanbul Kültür University Faculties Majors
Vocational School
Air conditioning and Cooling technology TR
Aircraft Technology TR
Aviation Logistics TR
Banking and Insurance TR
Child Development TR
Civil Aviation and Transportation Management TR
Civil Aviation Cabin Services TR
Computer Programming TR
Construction Technology TR
Fashion Design TR
Graphic Design TR
Health Management TR
International Trade TR
Logistics TR
Opticianry TR
Public Relations and Advertisement TR
Radio and Television Programming TR
Tourism and Hotel Management TR
Vocational School of Justice
Justice TR
Istanbul Kültür University Master Majors
Institute of Graduate
(Without a thesis) TR
(With a thesis) TR
Architectural Design (Without a thesis) TR
Architectural Design (With a thesis) TR
Architecture (Without a thesis) TR
Architecture (With a thesis) TR
Arts Management (With a thesis) TR
Business Administration (Without a thesis) EN
Business Administration (With a thesis) EN
Business Administration (Without a thesis) TR
Business Administration (With a thesis) TR
Business Administration (Distance Education) (Without a thesis) TR
Communication Arts (With a thesis) TR
Computer Engineering (Without a thesis) TR
Computer Engineering (With a thesis) TR
Construction Management and Technology (With a thesis) TR
Constructional Engineering (Without a thesis) EN
Constructional Engineering (Without a thesis) TR
Constructional Engineering (With a thesis) TR
Educational Administrative Planning (Without a thesis) TR
Educational Administrative Planning (With a thesis) TR
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (With a thesis) TR
Engineering Management (With a thesis) EN
Engineering Management (With a thesis) TR
English Language and Literature (With a thesis) EN
Environmental Design (With a thesis) TR
European Human Rights (With a thesis) TR
European Union Studies (With a thesis) TR
Geomatic Engineering (Without a thesis) TR
Geomatic Engineering (With a thesis) TR
Geotechnical Engineering (Without a thesis) TR
Geotechnical Engineering (With a thesis) TR
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (With a thesis) TR
Interior Architecture (With a thesis) TR
International Economics and Finance (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
International Relations (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Logistics (Distance Education) (Without a thesis) TR
Management Economics (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Mathematics and Computer Science (With a thesis) TR
Money and Capital Markets (Without a thesis) TR
Money and Capital Markets (With a thesis) TR
Occupational Health and Safety (Without a thesis) TR
Physics (With a thesis) TR
Private Law (With a thesis) TR
Project Management (Without a thesis) TR
Project Management (With a thesis) TR
Public Law (Without a thesis) TR
Public Law (With a thesis) TR
Quality and Production Management (Without a thesis) TR
Quality and Production Management (With a thesis) TR
Radio and Television and Cinema (With a thesis) TR
Real Estate Development (Without a thesis) TR
Sports Law (Without a thesis) TR
Sports Law (With a thesis) TR
Turkish Language and Literature (With a thesis) TR
Urbanism (With a thesis) TR
Istanbul Kültür University Phd
Faculty of Social Sciences
Business Administration TR
Public Law TR
Sports Law TR
Turkish Language and Literature TR
University site on maps

Atakoy main Campus

Atakoy main Campus

Incirli Campus (Vocational schools)

Şirinevler Campus (Faculty of Law)
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